Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

The Transformative Justice of Socialist Feminism

Episode Summary

NYC-DSA is a socialist, feminist, and anti-racist organization that is fighting to build a world that is free from all forms of oppression. However we also recognize that we all live in a world dominated by a patriarchal capitalist system that imposes violence on women to devalue their labor and humanity. Such forces seep into all spaces in our society and the socialist movement is not immune. We have to actively organize against these power structures. Today Alexandra Walling and Jen James from NYC-DSA’s Socialist Feminist Working Group join us to discuss these critical issues and how the Gender Dynamics survey is attempting to help DSA better live up to it’s feminist, anti-racist ideals.

Episode Notes

“You’re listening to Revolution Per Minute on listener sponsored WBAI in NYC broadcasting at 99.5 FM and streaming on your favorite podcast app. To connect with us after the show you can email us at or sign-up for our newsletter to get links to what we talk about on the show. You can do that on at our website You can also find us on twitter @nycRPM.