Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

The Fall of the House of Labour?

Episode Summary

*Our apologies for the audio jump cuts that occur throughout this episode. The price for being live on radio. Last week’s general election in the United Kingdom was a devastating loss for working-class people around the world. A vulgar nationalism triumphed over democratic socialism. Millions will suffer as Boris Johnson and the Tories offer up the remnants of British social democracy to the highest bidder. We grieve for all those who will continue to suffer from the racism and austerity of the Conservative Party. We stand in solidarity with socialist Labour Party organizers and every activist organizing for free movement and a welfare state for all. As we enter a major election year in the United States, we need this power today. Achieving socialism in the United States is possible and within our reach, contrary to what our own capitalist-owned media will say in response to these election results. We’re joined today by Democratic Socialist of America National Political Committee member Megan Svoboda and former North Brooklyn organizer Rosie Clarke who has since returned to the UK to discuss the failure of Corbyn’s Labour Party to defeat the conservatives and what implications this has for socialists in the US and around the world.

Episode Notes

You’re listening to Revolutions Per Minute live from the new WBAI studios, a socialist radio show and podcast from members of New York City Democratic Socialists of America.The Democratic Socialists of America is the largest socialist organization in the United States, with 56,000 members nationwide and NYC-DSA is its biggest chapter. We are run by our 5,500+ members and organizers who are working together to build democratic socialism in all five boroughs.

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