Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Queer Liberation Against Rainbow Capitalism

Episode Summary

Today we discussed the collective struggle for Queer Liberation and anticapitalist march of 45,000 radicals on Pride Day in New York. Throughout the episode we're joined by Natalie James, an active member of the Democratic Socialist of America and a key organizer with the Reclaim Pride Coalition, about how the struggle for LBGTQ rights is crucial for building socialism. We must fight for Queer Liberation, not rainbow capitalism.

Episode Notes

You’re listening to Revolutions Per Minute on WBAI, a socialist radio show and podcast from members of New York City Democratic Socialists of America. NYC-DSA is the biggest chapter of the largest socialist organization in the United States. We are run by our 5,500+ members and organizers who are working together to build democratic socialism in all five boroughs