Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

¡Trabajadores de Todos los Países, Unidos!

Episode Summary

A threat to workers anywhere is a threat to workers everywhere. This week, Revolutions Per Minute has two very special guests. Karla Reyes is an organizer with Act Now to Stop War and End Racism, an organization formed to combat imperialism and the endless American war machine. She will be speaking out on the military coup that is currently progressing in Bolivia which forced socialist president Evo Morales to resign under duress and is endangering Bolivia’s LGBTQ, indigenous, and socialist citizens. Solidarity with the people of Bolivia. Nely Rodriguez is a member of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a collective of workers who have been organizing for over twenty years in southwest Florida with a model based on leadership development and popular education. They have established networks of cooperatives and won advocacy campaigns that have revolved around securing agreements with private business to ensure basic worker protections. In this episode, we will be exploring how US imperialism relates to the exploitation of immigrant communities and what it means to practice international solidarity.

Episode Notes

You’re listening to Revolution Per Minute on listener sponsored WBAI in NYC broadcasting at 99.5 FM and streaming on your favorite podcast app. To connect with us after the show you can email us at or sign-up for our newsletter to get links to what we talk about on the show. You can do that on at our website You can also find us on twitter @nycRPM.