Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Open Borders and the Fight for Immigrant Justice

Episode Summary

ICE’s reign of terror is tearing families apart as concentration camps of asylum seekers proliferate along the border. Trump has intensified the war on immigrants, but state violence directed against the workers of the world is a deeply rooted tradition of the American ruling class. Today we’re joined by Marvin Gonzalez, Elijah Stevens, and Britt Stern from the Immigrant Justice Working Group to discuss the collective struggle against the deportation apparatus and how we organize for the socialist horizon of a world with no borders.

Episode Notes

ICE’s reign of terror is tearing families apart as concentration camps of asylum seekers proliferate along the border. Trump has intensified the war on immigrants, but state violence directed against the workers of the world is a deeply rooted tradition of the American ruling class. Today we’re joined by Marvin Gonzalez, Elijah Stevens, and Britt Stern from the Immigrant Justice Working Group to discuss the collective struggle against the deportation apparatus and how we organize for the socialist horizon of a world with no borders.