Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Media in Late-Capitalism

Episode Summary

The media industry is in peril, but this is felt most acutely for exploited workers and for the audience who want real journalism and genuine content. In this show, we talk with @hunterboone, @jamie_elizabeth (from @the_antifada) about the current problems in the media industry, unionization efforts, and the capitalist contradictions in media/journalism.

Episode Notes

The media industry is in peril, but this is felt most acutely for exploited workers and for the audience who are left wanting for real journalism and genuince content. In this show, we talk with @hunterboone, @jamie_elizabeth (from @the_antifada) about the current problems in the media industry, unionization efforts, and the capitalist contradictions in media/journalism.