Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

January 15th: Ecosocialism

Episode Summary

Features include Patrick Houston from NYCC on the fight against Cuomo on the Williams Fracked Gas Pipeline, and other fracking infrastructure, Nicole Catania from the Sunrise Movement, on the Green New Deal, their hope and their plan for the first half of 2019, Alexandria Villasenor, a 13-year-old climate striker, and Kelly Roache from NYC-DSA and the NY Democracy Alliance on what you can do locally to fight.

Episode Notes

Features include Patrick Houston from NYCC on the fight against Cuomo on the Williams Fracked Gas Pipeline, and other fracking infrastructure, Nicole Catania from the Sunrise Movement, on the Green New Deal, their hope and their plan for the first half of 2019, Alexandria Villasenor, a 13-year-old climate striker, and Kelly Roache from NYC-DSA and the NY Democracy Alliance on what you can do locally to fight.