Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

ICE Out of Courts!

Episode Summary

Today we’re discussing how the struggle for immigrant justice continues as the forces of reaction continue to demonize and terrorize our most vulnerable neighbors in our city. Throughout the episode we’ll speaking with Pamela, an organizer from the Immigrant Justice Working Group, about organizing against the deportation apparatus and for the empowerment of immigrant communities. We’ll also be hearing an interview with Elijah, another organizer with the Immigrant Justice Working Group, on canvassing for the Protect our Courts Act alongside the Tiffany Caban campaign.

Episode Notes

Today we’re discussing how the struggle for immigrant justice continues as the forces of reaction continue to demonize and terrorize our most vulnerable neighbors in our city. Throughout the episode we’ll speaking with Pamela, an organizer from the Immigrant Justice Working Group, about organizing against the deportation apparatus and for the empowerment of immigrant communities. We’ll also be hearing an interview with Elijah, another organizer with the Immigrant Justice Working Group, on canvassing for the Protect our Courts Act alongside the Tiffany Caban campaign.