Revolutions Per Minute - Radio from the New York City Democratic Socialists of America

Green New Deal Earth Day Special Part II

Episode Summary

It’s Earth Day and the movement behind the Green New Deal is growing by the day! On our two hour special we discuss the historical context behind the original New Deal and AOC’s recent town hall in the Bronx before turning to the grassroots struggles to build Ecosocialism.

Episode Notes

In part two of our two hour Earth Day special we’ll talk about what a Green New Deal could look like at a state level and right here in New York City.

We’ll have Thomas Niles in the studio to talk about New York City Democratic Socialist of America Ecosocialist working group’s new People Power NYC campaign. Our discussions highlights the absurdity of private ownership of our collective resources and how democratically owned energy is necessary for a sustainable future. Additionally we’ll also hear from climate reporter Alexander Kaufman about the historic Climate Mobilization Act that the City Council passed last week.